Modern example of workplace personalization in an office with green walls | Featured Image for the Workspace Personalization – Customised Workspaces & Employee Satisfaction blog by Future Fitouts.

Workspace Personalization – Customised Workspaces & Employee Satisfaction

Research shows that when employees are allowed to customise their workstations to represent their own unique needs and interests, they feel more comfortable and relaxed in their working environment. This in turn leads to greater productivity levels as employees feel a greater sense of satisfaction while at work.

Workspace personalization also provides benefits for the workforce as a whole, as it is shown to boost staff morale, interactions between your team, and positive feelings towards the company. This personalization comes in the form of decorating their desks, adjusting their furniture, and personalising their digital workspace to suit their needs.

If you are searching for the office fitout professionals, give Future Fitouts a call on 1300 368 461 or request a proposal online.

The Benefits of Office Personalization

Increased Job Satisfaction

It is important for your employees to feel satisfied with their work, as this in turn boosts their happiness and productivity. An easy way to ensure this satisfaction is to promote workspace personalization, as job satisfaction is directly linked to being happy with one’s work environment.

This is because personalization gives employees a sense of identity and ownership over their part of the office. It allows them to bring a slice of their home into their workplace, helping them to feel more relaxed and happier while on the job. It also helps each part of your office to feel distinct and unique, avoiding the monotony of a workplace where everything looks the same.

Boost Creativity

When employees feel as though they have the freedom to fully express themselves in the workplace, it encourages them to be more creative with their work. Being surrounded by the possessions and decorations that inspire them encourages employees to engage in more innovative thinking, come up with fresh ideas, and create more inventive solutions to problems.

Not only does this result in your employee’s unique personalities shining through in their work, but it also results in project outcomes that may have never even been considered before. This boosted creativity also affects how employees collaborate, helping to foster inventive partnerships among your team.

Reduced Stress

By feeling that they are in control of their environment, office personalization helps to reduce stress among your employees. This benefit also stretches through to overall mental health, helping your employees to feel better and more welcome while at work. This is invaluable when employees are working on a particularly stressful task.

When we feel that things are out of our control, such as a workplace that we are unable to optimise for our needs, stress and anxiety levels are sure to rise. The smallest amounts of control, such as placing a plant or photo on your desk, helps to reduce stress and make your employees feel more in control.

Greater Productivity

We all want to be productive at work, but sometimes life gets in the way and affects our mood and our ability to succeed. Fostering workspace personalization allows your employees to design a working environment that works best for them, creating a space that helps them feel more inspired and ready to work.

When employees are satisfied with their environment, their productivity goes through the roof. This ties back into reducing stress, as comfortable employees are sure to be more productive and deliver work of a higher quality at more regular intervals. On the flipside, unsatisfied employees are more likely to waste time and work at a slower pace.

Stronger Company Loyalty

When workers feel valued and wanted by their employer, they are far more likely to work harder to achieve the best possible result for their company. Providing drab working environments free from personality is a surefire way to make your employees feel like they are simply just another name on a list.

By allowing your workers to engage in office personalization, you are letting them know you appreciate their unique personality. This commitment to treating your employees with respect and care is sure to result in greater productivity and less turnover within your company.

Invest in Workspace Personalization Today!

Whether you require office design and fitout services or assistance with office space planning, Future Fitouts is here to help you create the perfect workplace. While we deliver you a state-of-the-art and productive workspace, we ensure there is enough opportunity for your employees to decorate the space to make it uniquely theirs and boost productivity as a result.

If you’re ready to get started, request a proposal, or give us a call on 1300 368 461 to discuss your project and the benefits our premium service provides.